The University of Kansas Health System
Lindsey Fitzpatrick is a clinical pharmacist practicing in the adult and pediatric CF clinics at The University of Kansas Health System. She received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Creighton University in 2008, completed her PGY1 pharmacy residency at Mercy Medical Center in Des Moines, IA, and received board certfication as a pharmacotherapy specialist in 2010. She started her pharmacy career at The University of Kansas Health System in internal medicine and practiced as an inpatient pharmacist for almost 10 years where she regularly worked with the inpatient CF team. In 2017, Lindsey began supporting the CF clinic through the help of CFF grant funding. By 2019, Lindsey had begun supporting the CF clinic full-time caring for nearly 370 adult and pediatric persons with CF. In her role, Lindsey regularly precepts pharmacy residents on rotation and in research. Additionally, Lindsey functions as the PGY1 residency program coordinator at The University of Kansas Health System Legacy Campus. She is actively involved in optimizing the role of pharmacy in CF care and does so through research, quality improvement initiatives, and involvement in the CF community both locally and nationally.
Thursday, September 26, 2024
2:30 PM – 4:30 PM ET