Children's Minnesota - Medical Genetics
Renee Temme, MS, CGC (she/her) is a licensed genetic counselor in the Children's Minnesota Genetics Division where she works with the Genetics, Cystic Fibrosis and Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia programs. Renee graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison Genetic Counseling Program with a Master of Science Degree in Medical Genetics. Her areas of interest include working with children and youth with special healthcare needs and their families, helping families understand genetic conditions and genetic testing results, and connecting families with educational resources. Renee provides genetic counseling services for patients and their families in follow-up to positive newborn screening results for cystic fibrosis and sees patients with cystic fibrosis in the Children's Minnesota Cystic Fibrosis Center as part of the multidisciplinary care team. Renee is also a clinical preceptor for genetic counseling students in graduate genetic counseling programs.
DG08--Tools for Your Practice: Updates & Resources for Genetic Counseling for CF & CRMS/CFSPID
Thursday, September 26, 2024
7:45 AM – 9:45 AM ET