Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Olivia Dieni is a Manager of Healthcare Access at the CF Foundation. Olivia has been with the Foundation for five years and brings the voice of hte CF community to relevant parties in the U.S. healthcare system to support equitable access to affordable healthcare in the United States. In this role, she manages the CF Foundation's Policy and Advocacy department’s research portfolio on cost and access research and data collection, including monitoring trends in drug coverage, care center access, and other barriers to healthcare such as cost and administrative burden. In addition, she leads the Foundation's payer engagement efforts and works closely with the policy team on access issues to ensure all people with CF have access to high quality care. Olivia received her Bachelor of Science at Cornell University and her Master of Public Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School for Public Health.
S31--Is the Price Really Right?: Keeping Innovations in CF Care Accessible
Saturday, September 28, 2024
10:15 AM – 12:15 PM ET